Pool Safety Tips for Families
Pool Safety Tips for Families
Swimming is a favorite summer past-time. If you own a pool, you’re probably looking forward to the warm, sunny weather so you can enjoy swimming with your friends and family. However, it’s important to keep safety in mind if you are a pool owner. Many injuries occur every year in backyard swimming pools. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, on average, there were 397 reported pool-or-spa-related fatal drownings per year for 2016 through 2018. To prevent a tragedy from happening in your pool, consider the following six pool safety tips for families.
1. Always Supervise Young Swimmers
Children should always be supervised when they are in or near a pool. Supervision involves giving your full attention to the children swimming. This means that the adult responsible for supervising should not be texting, reading or doing any other activity. Drowning happens quickly and doesn’t typically involve cries for help. Instead, drowning is often silent. The best way to prevent drowning is to have someone focusing on the swimmers at all times.
2. Safely Use Pool Inflatables
Inflatables do not prevent drowning and therefore should not replace supervision. Children can still drown while wearing water wings or floating on a pool noodle. For children who are not strong swimmers, consider staying within arm’s length so you can assist quickly if needed.
3. Get CPR-certified
If you own a pool, you should be trained in CPR. That way if you encounter a situation in which you need to start resuscitation, you will know what to do. Victims that are treated with CPR immediately are more likely to have a positive outcome.
4. Sign Your Children Up for Swimming Lessons
When you own a pool, it’s a great idea to enroll your children in swimming lessons as soon as possible. They will learn how to tread water and float, as well as pool safety rules, such as never swim alone.
5. Safely Secure Your Pool
Consider adding a fence with a self-locking entrance around your pool for added security. Make sure a child cannot climb or squeeze through the fence. You can also use door alarms, locks and safety covers to go a step further in ensuring that no one is able to sneak into the pool unattended.
6. Increase Your Homeowners Liability Insurance
A backyard swimming pool provides a fun way to cool off and be active throughout the summer months. Following the above safety tips will help keep your family safe this summer as you enjoy cooling off in your pool. If you are looking forward to inviting friends over to enjoy the pool, you may want to review the liability coverage of your home insurance policy.
Many home insurance policies include $100,000 of liability. Depending on whether your pool is above ground or in-ground, and if it has extra features such as a diving board or slide, you may want to increase liability insurance. If a guest is insured while swimming in your pool, the liability insurance can cover medical costs incurred.
If you are looking for assistance updating your homeowners insurance policy, we’re here to help! Contact us today for a quote!
Categories: Blog, Syndicated